Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I-80 We Will Miss You

After the wedding we hopped in the car and made our way home on what I realized would be our last 1100 mile road trip along I-80! Definitely mixed feelings there. We have made so many memories along that drive! We stayed at Ang and Brace's for the last time on a trip from Omaha. They have been the reason we have been able to enjoy our long trips home. They provided us a place to stay and some great times!!!! Definitely going to miss that pit-stop.
After staying in Rocksprings we made our way through all the familiar passes and towns and THANKFULLY it was great weather...we know how treacherous it can be ;) As we went through certain towns I recalled some interesting people I had met, cold diaper changes and even some major blowouts courtesy of braxton. Haha There were great conversations and naps (taken mainly by me ha) Our kids have traveled great every single time and 12 hour intervals are hard! 
As we passed the "welcome to Nebraska" sign for the last time headed East I remember driving out for the first time with Ruth and Rande. They were gracious enough to help us move and it was so fun! I remember thinking what will Nebraska have in store for us? What will it be like? What kind of memories and trials will be before us? Will I witness a tornado? Haha Thoughts racing and so excited and now in the blink of an eye 3 years have come and gone and now we are moving to Albuquerque, New Mexico!! I don't want to ever forget this amazing time in our lives! 
Finding ways to occupy themselves...eating toes and napping haha
After reminiscing the trip was over just like that and Millie and Braxton knew exactly where we were. Millie knows all the freeways in omaha and can tell you what we will be doing based on that...we'll get off on an exit and she'll ask me why we are going to therapy? Or we are going to daddy's school?  Ha she is a smarty! 
She started giggling and Braxton started grunting out of excitement when we got off the freeway. It was a reminder that these kids have their own memories here and it made me sad! We have one more month to finish off strong and to accomplish all we can before omaha is a memory! ;( 

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