Monday, January 12, 2015

Jordan 9 Months

Oh baby oh baby 9 months old!! This kid is becoming more and more handsome and more and more active! He is standing up to everything, loves to eat, smile at anyone who gives him attention, sleep and play! He is all around a very good baby and has a calming personality. 
He is 99, 97, 95 percentile in head, height and weight. He eats all his food groups and works on a sippy cup stealing millies when he can.
He puts up with A LOT from his older siblings...especially Millie who loves to decorate him with stickers. In this picture ^^^ she has Braxton in a head lock and I wouldn't be surprised if Jordan's turn will be right around the corner. Haha
Jordan loves to stand and walk along furniture.he is getting more balanced and will bridge little gaps. He loves most toys and LOVES his blanket. He sleeps about 10-12 hrs at night and is still in our room hahaha can't get myself to make the transition with him sleeping that long.
Always has his foot out of the high chair and if you don't get food to him fast enough he starts barkin at you. Ha
He is such a joy and such a good baby! He has three bottom teeth and is not showing signs of a fourth! Hope for some symmetry soon! :) Love you Jordan! Thanks for bringing so much joy into our family!!!

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