Sunday, January 11, 2015

Braxton Turns 4!

Our Braxton Boy turned 4! He had a great birthday and even though it was very low key...HE HAD THE TIME OF HIS LIFE! Family parties are the best. This past year Braxton has grown so much in many many ways. He is now fitting into 3t clothing and has learned to CLIMB ON EVERYTHING! I must have been in the dark thinking he was busy because now that he gets onto, into, around, up down on every piece of furniture we have, I am now realizing how easy I had it. He is now a little boy and even though it gets a little crazy we sure do love that he is learning so much! his 4th year he learned how to sign the word "more", jumps, can run, can go up and down stairs by himself...with only a couple close calls, and knows when we ask him to grab a diaper, his blanket, shoes, bottle, and his favorite toys! He is truly a "big" boy now. We still have to see many Doctors and therapists (ENT, Gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, speech, physical and occupational therapy)
He is throwing more tantrums because he now is getting an opinion of his own (good and bad thing), is understanding consequence and gets sad when you tell him no, and gives THEE BEST HUGS EVER! We are sure proud of our little man!
He was spoiled with many from many family members this year:
He got mirrors (HIS FAVORITE!!!), a new snail, clothes, a drum, guitar, a gift card to get more mirrors and light up toys and money from grandparents to buy some much needed coats and shoes. :)

 We ended the celebration with dinner at the Roadhouse (his favorite) and this year he actually got to ride on the saddle and be sung to! He is one amazing boy and everyone around him is learning from his sweet sweet spirit! We are all so lucky to have him and can't wait for great birthdays to come!
Things coming up for Braxton...Surgery in February, lots of learning and laughing, finishing his first full year of school, and a big move somewhere (not sure yet).

1 comment:

micahandwhitney said...

Love that he got to ride in the saddle! Happy birthday handsome boy!!!