Monday, November 17, 2014

Jordan 6 Months

Jordan is a half a year old now!!!! This boy has always been big but something about the number makes him seem even bigger! This boy at six months is:
Sitting up like a champ
Getting up on all fours and crawling at 6 months one week!
LOVES to eat! Does any type of baby food doesn't matter the flavor...he will eat it!
Sleeps so good: 10 hours at night and two naps
is in size 4 diapers
LOVES to follow his brother and sister around and play with all the messes they make haha

 He wears 9-12 month clothes
loves his binkie
still barfs like none other
 Got his first tooth!
 Is such a good boy and just goes with the flow. I think the 3rd child has to be that way! 
We sure do love our Jordan boy and can't believe how much he has grown and is learning! We love you buddy and are so blessed to have you in our family! Thanks for always making us smile!

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