Monday, November 17, 2014

Jordan 7 Months!

Another month has come and gone and this boy is just growing like a weed! He is crawling EVERYWHERE and has learned to stand up to EVERYTHING! He is starting to walk along furniture and figures out how to make his way into just about everything. 
He is such a chubby baby and I just LOVE it!! He is happy most of the time and loves to play and observe what's going on around him. 
 He LOVES to eat and gets extremely sad when it's gone. He will have just had an 8 oz bottle will eat about a cup of baby food and still throws a little fit when it's gone. We have to distract him at this point and take him away from the kitchen to get his mind off of it. haha He is too funny and i'm sure that's exactly how I was and I know that's how I am now. ;) He loves puffs, veggie straws, bites of ice cream and ground up table food. 
 Jordan loves to hang out with Braxton and they sure do get along...other than when Braxton decides it's time to wrestle...
All I have to say is that when Braxton is smaller than Jordan he better watch out. ha
He loves to swing when we all get outside together.
 Jordan is in size 4 diapers, has two teeth and weighs in at 22 lbs! He is a solid little guy even though he has lots of rolls...funny how that works. ;) He takes two good naps and is still sleeping 10-11 hours at night. He loves to play with basketballs, chew on plastic food, and put EVERYTHING in his mouth. I have had to re-teach myself how to vacuum EVERY day and spot little specks of stuff on the ground. I was able to go a while without having to do it so it has been a re-learning process. 

Jordan is the peacemaker in our home and the joy to everyone! He just makes you smile! We love you Jordan!

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