Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Life Lately

I would say that I have always prided myself in having a clean home. I love things organized and in their right place. I have gotten pretty good at allowing my kids to make messes throughout the day and then we clean them up, no big deal. Well, I don't know what it is but lately I cannot keep the house clean for the life of me...oh wait, yes I do, it's my three MOBILE kids! As of late, Braxton just LOVES to get into everything. I feel like he is finally hitting his 18 month old stage of getting into EVERYTHING! I mean everything I thought was safe is not. He is taller than I think and stronger and can get into some mischief! Millie is my BIG "helper" and wants to "help" me with everything which usually results in a LARGE mess and some sort of tantrum because you just eventually run out of needing "help". ;) Jordan is now crawling and thankfully is not way quick yet but will turn what is an ok looking room into a disaster. He just builds on the left over messes from the other two. 
Until now, I haven't felt much of a difference as far as having a third kid. Sure I have an extra diaper to change, mouth to feed, and clothes to clean but it hasn't been a problem until mobility and eating baby food came into the picture. I am caught many times with two high chairs in my face, two bowls on my lap, and two boys that want their food and do not want to wait for the other to take a bite. It's quite hilarious when I look at myself from a distance. Is it normal to have that many out-of-body experiences? haha
Now, it should be a simple fix. Just CLEAN IT UP! Easy at that sounds the last few days that is the LAST thing I want to do! I am exhausted and would rather spend my time doing what I would like to...trying to take a nap, eat chocolate covered pretzels while blogging, reading scriptures, planning for upcoming lessons/ events and just vegging! That's just when the kids are having "quiet time". When they are awake I have ZERO time unless I choose to allow someone to be independent for a few minutes. I do this often but it usually comes back to bite me in the rear end. haha So, my theory is, these beautiful, fun, sweet children of mine have maxed me out this week in EVERY way possible to the point of tears and many many many prayers of pleading to the Lord to just get through the next hour (we aren't even to Friday yet). I think it's all going to come down to finding some motivation FAST or else we might have an insane lady on our hands. haha

Literally EVERY room has been touched and is full of clutter. I get anxiety just looking at these pictures but I have to document this to remember that I WOULD NEVER change a thing because my amazing kids are WORTH it! They are WORTH all of the dirty diapers, stained clothes, broken dishes, spilled milk, crumbed and dirty floors, and sleepless nights. They are WORTH it because of their warm hugs, sweet kisses, loud giggles, huge smiles, and repeated "I Love Yous"! They are WORTH it because they are what will shape us into becoming better parents, and people all around. They are the ones who teach us ultimate forgiveness, how to have fun, what's truly important, service and LOVE! 

Now if only those perfect little kids of mine could make all of this mess vanish...I would love them even more (if that's possible ;) Here's to dreams of clean homes and some sanity! Maybe next week haha

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

How did I not see this sooner.... I keep telling my mom that all I do all day is clean and it's making me crazy!!!!!!! You make me feel normal!!!!