Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Braxton Lately

Braxton has been SUPER BUSY lately. He is now a full on walker and can stand up in the middle of the floor! He is not really able to walk outside because of all the different surfaces and level changes, he loses his balance and falls a lot. haha The best part about it though is that he wants to walk and nothing really stops him. :) He loves to "play" with Millie and she gets so jealous that she can't walk around with him.
THE NEWEST AND GREATEST trick he has learned is below...
The doctors told us they didn't know what he would and wouldn't be able to do. They told us to let him write his own story and he is doing just that! It's kind of  funny because every day is a surprise. We don't know what he is going to do next! We can't believe it! Marc and I are just floored at the progress he is making! After two years of saying mamama, dadada, bababa in his face day after day...I think he caught on. :) Now he just goes around saying it. It's so funny. Every once in a while he throws in a few "Buh" sounds too. We are so excited for our little Brax! He has accomplished so much and it will be so fun to see what he does next! We are so proud of you and love you Brax! You are a smarty! :)


The Robinson's said...

Love it! He is doing so well:) Keep it up Brax! xoxox

Jett Powered Foundation said...

Way to go Brax! I love hearing his voice! He is gonna have a deep voice like Marc...haha.

Jared+Sara+Myla said...

YAY for BRAXTON :) Thats so awesome!!! He is such a such a little stud!