Friday, July 27, 2012

5 Months

 My sweet, chunky, smiley Millie is already 5 months and I am dying because this month FLEW by for me! I don't know where it went but I am so glad she is getting bigger and doing so many fun things!
She still LOVES to smile at everyone that will look her way. She hates to be on her back unless she is sleeping, she doesn't mind playing on her tummy but she definitely likes sitting a lot better, preferably on her mom or dad's lap. ;)  Millie will watch Braxton walk around the house and she gets so excited...she wants to join in so bad! Braxton still wrestles with her WWF style and she is pretty tolerant until he goes for the body slam. haha
She LOVES her dad and when he rubs her with his whiskers she squeals so loud!  She is a very easy going baby unless she doesn't get her food or I leave the room haha She went to get an ultrasound done on her kidneys (nothing is wrong THANK GOODNESS!) but when the lady put the stuff on her tummy she started smiling and laughing. This picture was right after the ultrasound and she was all smiles.
 One thing she has picked up on quickly is eating oatmeal cereal! I told myself I would wait until 6 months but she was ready at 4 1/2! She was always watching Marc and I eat our food and was diving for food that was in my we tried the baby oatmeal and SHE LOVES IT!! I feed it to her before bed and she sleeps a little longer with a fuller tummy. We will have to try some veggies and fruits and see how she does with that. :)
Little Miss Mills is getting so big and sometimes I think she is a lot older than she is. haha She just has the strength and look of an older baby. I love seeing her growth and development. It's so crazy how much you don't have to teach when they are healthy and "normal". She sure brings so much joy to our home and I love her fun, feisty personality. We love you Millie! Thanks for putting a smile on our faces each and every day! :)


The Robinson's said...

Millie is such a sweet baby! I miss her! Just barely while I was reading your post Rush comes up and says, "Mil, Mil", he was excited to see her on the computer:) Cute post!

Megan and Mike said...

She is the happiest prettiest and sweetest little girl!!!!! I miss her so much