Saturday, May 19, 2012

HERE WE GO!!!'s been real fun here in the SLC. We have absolutely LOVED being here and being close to family for another year. We have been so blessed to be able to do the first year of Dental School here at the U, have another baby and still attend some family events along the way, but now it is time to move on out to the flat lands. Tomorrow morning we are moving on out to OMAHA, NEBRASKA! Ahhh! No I am actually really excited for this three year adventure...but it will definitely be a change in scenery and ideal location. We will miss being able to zip on down south to see all of our family members and also being able to have Sunday dinner or just hanging out with Megan, Mike, Ruthie and Big Mac.
We have met so many people up here that I honestly LOVE and admire. I have made so many new friends who have taught me a lot and who have been there for me and my family. So many memories in this little here apartment. Marc and I are sitting here on an air mattress watching a live stream of the Lakers game and reminiscing on the good times we have had here. Yes, it is VERY ghetto and my little kithenette isn't going to be missed (I ruined a lot of meals in that oven it didn't even fit a normal sized cookie sheet! ha) but I love that we have made so many memories and will look back with such fondness of this itty bitty 600 sq ft palace. When we first got here last summer I about died! Now I am actually sad that we have to leave.
Braxton has learned to sit here, crawl here, and now take steps here. He has learned how to eat, turned one, and thinks he rules the roost. (he does) Our sweet little (now CHUNKY) Millie was born here and when she is older I get to tell her how she had to bathe in the littlest sink I have EVER seen in my life, how she got bit every day by her brother, she first smiled here, laughed here and is right on her way to rolling over. So much can happen in under a year and we are so lucky! Marc studied in the same spot for two full semesters of grueling Dental and Medical classes. He put blood and sweat in to this past year and right when we thought it would never did and now we are wondering how it went so fast. I am nervous to see how fast the next three years go by. :( 
Tomorrow we start our 14 plus hour trek across the great state of Wyoming and then into our new home of Nebraska. I look forward to change and I can only imagine what wonderful memories we are going to have out there.


June 28, 2011
May 19, 2012


Tyler and Brandi White said...

Good luck!! And I love your new family pictures they are so cute

Jett Powered Foundation said...

See you in Omaha!!!

elysebeard said...

GOOD LUCK!!! So excited about your new adventure! Can't wait to hear all about it

The Robinson's said...

I love this post...well said:) All the memories you guys have had off of Sunnyside will be cherished. It brought a tear to my eye;) Mainly b/c we wont just be 3.5 hrs away. I am pumped for you guys and your new adventure in NE. We will be headed your direction in two days! Love ya Nell.

micahandwhitney said...

ah i love all the sweet memories!! :) a lot really has happened for you guys this year! i can't wait to come out and visit you guys in nebraska!! :) ENJOY!!