Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun Run Weekend

Here at the McRae home we had a jam-packed weekend. It was so much fun! Since we are moving in 3 weeks ( I know...CRAZY!) My sisters, my mom and I wanted to get together for a fun girls weekend before we left. 4 weeks prior to this weekend, we all decided that we would do a fun run up at the "This is the Place" state park. Amanda, Angela, and my mom have all been working out way before we signed up but I just had Millie a little over 2 months ago so I had to work my tail end off to make sure it was actually a "fun" run. So for the past month I have been running every day just to get to the point that I could jog the whole thing and keep up with my sisters. Yes it was only three miles but that was a huge feat for me just having a baby and all. So yesterday morning, in the bitter, freezing cold we ran. My sisters were great to slow it down for me ;) but we got it done. It really was a lot of fun and I am glad to say that I was able to make it through and run the whole thing! The only draw back to running this...I don't have an excuse for not working out now. haha Regular life has begun.

 Me and my friend Kayli after the race. I am so glad  she did the race too. She had a baby a week and a half after me and still did it! She is amazing.

After the race we all got ready and packed the kids up for a day full of shopping! We went to City Creek and S-H-O-P-P-E-D, ate lunch, people watched haha, and took in the sites and scenery. We grabbed some cake bites (little morsels of heaven is more like it) from Sweet Toothfairy, dropped our bags off at the house with the kids and went out for a couple more hours of shopping. It was such a fun time and so much fun to be with just the girls. Braxton, Millie, and Rylee were such good sports going to all the stores with us. Can't wait to hang out more this week down in Cedar!! Thanks for a fun filled weekend!

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