Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Fun!

Easter came and went and man was it fun! I was looking back on last Easters pics and first of all Braxton is HUGE compared to last year and now we have a beautiful baby girl which made it even more fun...She is more fun to dress. haha We sure had a good fun-filled weekend and a lot of family time. :)
Braxton on Easter Sunday ready to go to Aunt Megan's for dinner (pics from that hopefully to come)We had to do our annual Easter Sugar Cookies. I just love to make these and decorate them. Marc helped frost this year and they turned out great! Hopefully next year Braxton will want to join in. haha
Braxton and Millie found their Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny brought. Braxton went right up to it and dragged it down. It was hilarious! It was fun to see him enjoy it. He got his favorite toy...a pack of Bic Pens. haha Millie got a cute hat and some formula! :)What would Easter be without dying eggs?! So fun!Easter Sunday was the best! I got to dress Millie up and Braxton and we actually got a decent picture of the two of them! So beautiful,
so handsome.Millie was being a diva and wouldn't look at the camera. Pretty though ;)A little out of order but on Saturday I wanted to do an Easter Egg hunt for Braxton to see if he would do it this year. He kind of did...haha he mainly liked the bucket but our friends Kayi and Kyle came with their cute little boy Easton and he sure enjoyed it! He found all the eggs and shared with Braxton! He would go pick up a bunch of eggs and then put them in Braxton's bucket. hahaAnd yes...Braxton is STANDING BY HIMSELF! That is a trick he has been doing for the last two weeks! Walking hopefully coming soon!We had to bring Braxton's walker since we were going to the park and all and he definitely enjoyed it. He was able to push it through the grass pretty good. If it would get stuck he would put all of his weight into it to make it go. hahaEaston and me helping Braxton gather some eggs...all the adults at the candy inside. hawhen he found an egg he would go put his forehead on it! So smart! :)Braxton and MillieMillie soakin up the sun...actually it was really chilly so she stayed in her carseat the whole time. We had such a fun low key! I loved it! We had our first Easter just as our little family and it was perfect! :) Happy Easter!


The Robinson's said...

I love Millie's dress, oh so pretty:) There is a lot to be said about simple and low key. Sometimes that is exactly what you need! Love and miss you guys.

micahandwhitney said...

love millie and brax's easter have 2 dang cute kiddos!! :) glad you guys had a fun easter!

Anonymous said...

Janelle- I'm so glad you found my blog and it was so good to see you too! Your little kids are so adorable! Hope all is well with your cute little family and good luck with everything.