Sunday, April 8, 2012

Braxton's 17 Months!

Holy Cow! Another month has passed and Braxton has never stopped amazing us with his progress and personality! Here is what he is up to lately...
Standing up to EVERYTHING, cruising all of our furniture, bridging the furniture, WALKING with his walker, letting go of furniture to play with toys and will stand there for 30 seconds to a minute!!! We are so proud of how far he is coming with his gross motor skills! We are determined to have him walking before we move in 6 WEEKS (I can't believe it is already that time!) I know he has the strength it's just the motivation and a little coordination ;)He has learned how to balance sitting up and drink his bottle! He can barely tilt it for milk to come out but he makes it work. He eats 3-4 times a day usually oatmeal and fruit, yogurt for lunch, mashed up banana for snack, and a veggie puree at night. We have tried our food blended in the blender but so far we haven't been successful on something he likes. Hopefully we find something cuz I am sure his menu every day is getting a little mundane. If anyone has suggestions on things that are good pureed let me know!Another thing he has picked up on is the TV! It's amazing that he actually will watch it (sometimes) his absolute favorite thing to watch is basketball (he prefers NBA)!!! We are very lucky cuz Marc and I are both more than happy to watch that. haha He will stand there and look up at it for quite a long time! Now we just need him to like Mickey Mouse or something so I can shower in the mornings. ha He is learning how to do different grunts for what he wants. It's only a couple decibles different but we are able to tell what he wants most of the time. :) Braxton is also sleeping through the night! What a blessing! Yay Braxton and Yay for mom and dad. hahaHe has finally started enjoying (after 14 months) his bouncer! He can actually play with the toys. He will sometimes try and get in...even when Millie is in there. Kind of a normal big brother beating up on his sister. He now finds biting a game and Millie has gotten her first war wound...a huge welt right on her forehead. It looked like two ski tracks right across her head. She was so sad :( Now we just have to try and figure out an effective way to teach him not to bite!And the best thing of all...he gets jealous of Millie! It is very sad when he gets jealous when I am feeding Millie but we are so happy that he can understand that and show that emotion! It's helpful to see cognitively what he can processs! We are so very proud of him! Look at that sad face :(We are so happy that you are accomplishing so much! We love EVERYTHING about you right down to your funny toes! :)

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

um braxton definitely knows his mama.... he loves you and marc! i love how he will find you in a room of 20 loud people(our family!BRAXTON buddy your doing awesome... auntie megan loves you and is so proud of all the things your doing and going to do... i will miss you the most:(