Saturday, February 1, 2014

Three Weeks!'s official! 3 weeks and counting and Baby Jordan will be here! I know for sure that I will be having him by the 24th! I am definitely getting excited and I am so ready to not have a big belly following me around anymore. To this day I still sometimes forget that I am prego and try and do things and fit into places that I just CAN'T! haha
  I have been "nesting" since the first day of January! haha Since I love to organize and clean it has been a very enjoyable process. With two kids I feel like I have to be extra prepared so I don't forget anything...well I have already forgot so much so there is a lot to still do but it will get done.
I can't wait to see how Braxton and Millie react. I can't wait to see how having this cute baby join our family will add even greater joy and love. It's amazing!
Look at this sweet boy! He will be in our arms in a few weeks and we cannot be more happy!
 It will be so fun to see who he looks like and how big he is!

35 weeks in this pic
Lately I have been running into a lot of negative people and I just need to be prepared to run into even more! I need to be prepared and ready for all of the people at the stores to stare even more, make judegments, and tell me that I have got my hands full (they already do it with two!)! I may one day tell all of those people to TAKE A HIKE! I don't ask for their advice and their comments but since they do I may have to start taking a stand. Most of these people have no clue what is most important in this is family! We have been very blessed to be able to have kids and so close! is crazy that they will be so close... but it is our decision and it works for us. I am so grateful for the blessings that come from being a parent. Some days you do want to rip your hair out and scream (if you haven't already) but the good out weighs the bad and ultimately it is what we have been commanded to do and told will bring great joy! Sorry for the soap box but it's true, more people need to find this joy!

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