Monday, September 9, 2013

Update: Braxton and Millie

Oh boy are we busy around here with these crazies but we sure do love them! They are progressing so much and learning new things every day...mostly good things ;) Let's start with Millie:
Millie is such a sweet, fiery, diva. She is a good mix of all good things and even though she can throw some pretty good tantrums, we are so happy that she is an independent girl and has a mind of her own. It definitely makes for some funny moments in the day.
Millie is now 18 months and is talking non-stop! She is getting really good at speaking and some of my favorites she says are: Braxton, outside, bath time, prayer, scriptures, shoes on, thank you, fruit snack, please, fork "fook" (sounds a little racy ;), milk, chocolate milk, stroller, swing, diaper, and potty haha
She LOVES books and babies and gets to take one of each to her crib for bed and nap time. Her crib is filled with books, blankets and babies and loves to read herself to sleep. She likes to play with Braxton on "her terms" and will put blankets over him and tackle him. She is smart because the blanket protects her from any potential bites. haha She LOVES her snacks and meal times but is starting to get a little picky. Eating with a fork or spoon by herself can pretty much ensure she eats most of her food. She loves other people and likes to flirt. She knows exactly what she is doing and knows how to get her way with most people...except me (or so I think). ha She likes to get dressed and get her shoes on because that usually means we are going somewhere or going to do something. She loves to say prayers and folds her arms and likes to say "me me" for amen when we are done. She even kneels for family prayer and reminds us sometimes to pray before bed time. 
Millie started nursery 3 weeks ago and is in HEAVEN! She loves to play with the toys but it's funny how her demeanor changes around a big group of kids. She kind of stands back and observes. She likes to find her opportunities to grab a toy or talk. I am taken back every day by how much she grasps and how much she wants to learn. She is fun, and, spunky and doesn't like to be left out. If Braxton is doing something she wants to do it too. She likes to play games and likes to get you to tickle her so she can laugh. She kills me and makes me laugh probably hourly. Love this girl and how much joys she brings to our home. 
Braxton is almost three and is progressing too and I give most of the credit to Millie. They play together all day and Braxton is learning so much just by watching her. He is even more curious than before and loves to explore every toy and now every piece of furniture around the house. He can go down the stairs if he wants to. He LOVES the slide and playground in our playroom and will play back there by himself for hours. He taught himself how to go down the slide on his bum now and climbs up to the top and then slides right back down. He LOVES mirrors and windows and will lick them if he gets the opportunity. His new favorite thing is to grab my face, look me straight in the eye and then press noses together. He thinks that is so funny. Another thing he is doing is smiling SO BIG when you smile at him. He gets super excited and can't control himself. He just loves for us to look at him and smile. Best thing EVER! He is getting better at eating more pureed foods. We started pureeing our own food and so far Braxton has had and has eaten all of his: sloppy joes (looked like refried beans), mac and cheese, lasagna, hawaiian haystacks, and soup. It was so fun to see him eat the foods we were eating. It made me so happy that I was actually able to provide that for him and that he actually liked my food!!! He still LOVES the swing and his longest swing time is almost an hour! He could do that for hours if I let him ;) He is making some consonant sounds such as "na" "da" and "ba". He understands when we ask him if he wants his bottle, bath time, and will come when we ask him to. We are so proud of this sweet boy! He is progressing and learning so much and we are just thrilled!! We are so lucky to have him in our family and are grateful for his sweet spirit!!!


micahandwhitney said...

love these two little babes!! ps...nice jordan outfit brax ;)

The Hyde Life said...

LOVE ALL THE CUTE THINGS THEY ARE DOING! You will love that you have this written down!! They are both too cute!