Thursday, August 7, 2014

J's 5 Months!

Five months came and went by soooo fast!! Being in California and Utah for four weeks probably helped that one out. Despite being in the car seat most of his fifth month, our sweet J Man grew A TON and decided he wanted to learn a lot of tricks:

He started eating rice cereal at 18 weeks and then had his first taste of baby food (peas) just a week after his 5 month bday. He gained 2 1/2 lbs during this month and grew out of 6-9 month clothes. He and Brax are in size four diapers together which is nice but means Jordan is HUGE! Love chinky babies! 

He is such a happy baby and sleeps really good! 10-12 hrs at night and one long nap and two cat naps. I finally had to stop being lazy and put him to sleep in his bed for naps but I forget how nice it is to have them contained and get some quiet time alone! The only time he cries is for food, sleep and a diaper change. No teeth yet and I'm getting anxious to see if he gets fussy. The other two didn't get bothered by it so let's hope that got passed down haha
He is a social bug and LOVES to be with other kids and people. He puts a huge smile on his face and just makes anyone's day! He is so good with Braxton and actually laughs when he wrestles with him, sits on him etc. 
Jordan loves the pool and water but unfortunately doesn't get in too much because of his skin. Hopefully we can change that so he can have a bath everyday with his siblings ;) 
He started kind of sitting and gets up on his forearms and knees and scoots!!! So crazy and I just have a feeling that the word CRAWL is in our near future! Ahh! 
We love this mellow, happy boy so much! He can turn your day completely around with just one grin. Love you buddy!!!

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