Sunday, June 1, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend we a lot of fun this year! We were able to venture out to a couple new places and enjoy being outside as a family! We went to a few lakes for picnics and the kids loved throwing rocks in the water! 
The first lake had a huge snake in the middle if the road and now Millie calls the lake "snake" she keeps asking to go to the snake. Haha 
We had s'mores indoors and lots of corn on the cob! It was a great weekend and we sure loved that dad got the day off! 

This weekend set the tone for a great summer! Can't wait for great summer nights ahead! :) 

1 comment:

Megan and Mike said...

I love these pic! I can hear Millie repeatedly talking about the snake! Haaaaa she's so smart! How fun! A few more weeks we get to see u!!!!