Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Church History Sites Part 1: Adam-Ondi-Ahman

With a week left of Marc's summer break we had to make the best of our time and so I mapped out and researched all of the church history sites near our home and how far all of them were from our house. Turns out we were only 3 hours from Adam-Ondi-Ahman and after further research we realized we could do a whole loop of church sites in one day! So, to prevent picture overload I decided to split the trip up into a few different posts.
7 am we were on our way. I was over-the-moon excited to be doing this trip. I think I told Marc that I was so excited A MILLION TIMES!  I have waited a long time to get to go to such amazing sites and living only 3 hours away is the best way to do it. We drove through some of the smallest towns in Missouri and it was so neat to think that the pioneers made their way through many of these towns to eventually make the trek to SLC. Our first stop was Adam-Ondi-Ahman. This was the place where Joseph Smith got revelation that this site is where the Garden of Eden was located and where Adam and Eve lived when they were cast out from God's Presence. You pull up and you can just feel the spirit. This was and is sacred ground. Christ will gather and hold a grand council here with men from all dispensations when he comes again kind of cool to think about.
It is the middle of the summer and one of the driest summers this part of the country has had so it wasn't surprising that one: it wasn't very green, and two: we were the only people there. That was my favorite part. Our little family had the whole site to ourselves and it was amazing.

 We walked down to overlook the valley and read the sign. Braxton enjoyed it.
 Marc got some great pictures of the valley.

 Millie and dad
 Walking along the trails here reminded me of the sacred grove. There was just something special about standing where those who have come before us have possibly stood!

Such an amazing spirit at this place. So many wonderful things took place here and there are more to come. I couldn't wait for the next stop and the morning was still young, so we hopped in the car and headed on over to Haun's Mill.

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