Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Heat Wave

Well folks...we have a heat wave out here in old Omaha. We are LOVING it! ;) Nothing can beat a hot, steamy, windy day. haha I am not going to lie this is definitely a different heat from what I am used to. I am used to the dry heat and boy that sounds good right now. You step outside to take out the trash and feel like you've run a 1/2 marathon! I didn't know I could sweat this much! Marc is somewhat used to it from his Mission days in Missouri but I think I will need another year or two. ha Until then, to beat the heat,  my mother-in-law Ruth bought the kids this cute mini size pool. It is perfect size for our little patio and for Braxton. If Millie keeps growin rolls though, we might need another one. haha
So we go out before the heat index reaches 100+ degrees and catch some rays. 10:00 is a perfect time. Still enough shade to keep Millie cool. 
 Some of you might be thinking that I am torturing my son by the look on his face, but that's just his excited face. haha He was so excited to be in the pool!
 Millie will sit in the pool because she can't move but Braxton on the other hand has learned how to climb out when he wants to explore. You can see his trail so we don't lose him but look where he usually ends up...on that door mat that looks like a rod iron "toy" he has. ha He cracks me up!
We really are lucky that we can at least get out about once a day with this heat. Only a couple more months of this. At least that's what the locals are saying. ;)


Anonymous said...

What a perfect sized pool! Jett may have to come try it out sometime. Oh, and I am in love with Braxton's excited face. He is too cute.

Matthew and Lindsey said...

Ha ha. I head that it was pretty bad there but glad to see that you are making the most of it. Maybe you can bottle up the heat and then use it when it starts to get cold there!

Tyler and Brandi White said...

Oh man I feel ya!! It's been the same here in Indianapolis!! It's insanely hot!! I can't believe they haven't had weather like this in over 25 years!! I never wanted it to rain so bad!