Friday, June 1, 2012

Road Trip to Nebraska

 I am a little out of order on posts but I had to write about our travels to our new home! It was SO MUCH FUN! Ruth and Rande got to Salt Lake on Saturday and since they landed we had non-stop fun! Ruth had a list of places that we needed to go to eat to cross off our Triple D (Diners, Drive-ins and Dives) list. So what is more fitting than starting off at Moochie's in Salt Lake City. Marc and I had never been there and it was only two minutes from our house. It was DELICIOUS and if all the other places on Ruth's list were this good, lets just say that I wasn't going to end this trip without gaining 10 lbs. haha

 After dinner we hung out with Megan, Mike, Ruthie and Mac. We kept putting it to the back of our minds that this day would be the last time we saw them for quite some time so we had fun and left the tears for the very end. It was so sad saying good bye to Megan and Mike because they were our closest family up there. We got together a lot during our stay up North and so to say good bye was tough.
After everyone left we stayed in our apt. on the floor for the last time. 
 Braxton loved having the tv on his level for once. He couldn't get enough. Moving is sometimes a big adjustment for kids but Braxton sure did love the space, and the...
Boxes! He loved to help us pack and walk along all of the  boxes. He was ready to move. He even wanted to be packed himself. haha
 Sunday morning was moving day. Bitter Sweet but ready for our adventure in the flat lands. We cleaned got everything taken care of and headed east on I-80 and that is where we would stay until the North Gardens exit in Omaha.
Millie didn't mind the ride either. She got shotgun! I was so jealous cuz I get car sick in the back...
Totally joking! We took this pic during one of our breaks in Wyoming somewhere. ha Thousands of Antelope later....
 we crossed over the Nebraska State Line at about 8 pm.
  We traveled for another 100 miles or so to Sydney, NE and low and was the CABELLA'S HEADQUARTERS (such a random spot for it but hey it's Nebraska ha) Rande and Marc were in Heaven!! Too bad it was 9:30 at night when we got there. We stayed at the Comfort Inn and Suites and oh boy I have never LOVED a hotel bed so much. We were wiped from driving and went out cold. We woke up the next morning, had a wonderful breakfast, got to know the Sydney townfolk (VERY NICE people by the way). The only thing I would complain about was that the hotel room we were in had a colony of ants that we were not aware of until we were inches away from putting Millie in her carseat. Marc plopped it on the bed to put her in and ants scattered EVERYWHERE! We quickly and quietly ran out of the room and the nice Nebraska people gave us 10 dollars off our room. That was nice of them! I was anxious to see the Nebraska landscape during our travels the next day. We had heard so many negative comments about how it was all cornfields and farm lands but it actually was very lush and green most of the way. I just happened to take the worst photo of one of the towns we stopped in. It was so neat to see a different landscape!
 Marc explained to me that there would be a lot of roadkill along the side of the road and boy, was he not joking! There were random animals on the side of the road that I had never seen before! haha Marc even hit a turtle! Yeah! A TURTLE...those cute little hard shell animals that shouldn't be on the freeway!
At about three that afternoon we drove down the street that we would call home for the first time. It was a little deceiving because this is what we saw...Graffiti art! haha We made sure we came back to it and let Braxton see the cool colors on the wall.
 He LOVED it and was so excited.

 After unloading the truck in 45 min with the help of Rande and Dental buddies...we got the living room set up and left to find some food. We lost our way a couple of times trying to find this DELICIOUS place called Valentino's (best pizza ever!!!) but we couldn't find the right one. So we got lost a few times thanks to the dang GPS. Those things are not always right. We just got used the fact that we would need to do a U turn every time we went to eat. haha We drove and drove and couldn't find what we wanted so we stopped near this random restaurant called Malaras (it was 8! Come to find out that is common in Omaha). We sat out in front of Malara's for a while and then this lady pokes her head out and asks if we need help...Soon we were in the building and she turned their fryers on and cooked us up some wonderful Italian food! Fried Ravioli and Mozzerella sticks. MMM MMM! We brought it back to the house and dove right on in.
When Ruth and Rande left for the night we were too excited to sleep right away so we stayed up and tried to organize some stuff. Braxton stared at himself and then went right to sleep by the front door. It was hilarious. Turns out it was an exhausting day for him too. ha
 The next morning Ruth and Rande came over bright and early to watch the kids while we unpacked, painted and decorated. That honestly was the greatest help EVER! I can't imagine where we would be if they weren't there to keep the kids occupied and give us company! It was so much fun!!
Front of our house. We have THE BEST VIEW ever. It looks like we live in the forest.
 Later we went and found the Big Momma's Kitchen from Triple D's and boy was that divine!! Southern cooking is my favorite and we got authentic Soul Food. Fried chicken, Collard Greens, corn bread, fried okra, sweet potato pudding, sweet potato ice cream, and sweet potato cheese cake! Big momma was there and everything. It was great! They turned an old school cafeteria into the restaurant and it is so fun! Whoever comes to visit...we are going!!! 

 Ruth watching the kids! They were spoiled rotten with attention from Grandma and Grandpa! It was a transition to say the least for the kids when they left because I sure don't spoil them! haha
 Grandma pushing Brax in the swing. He loved swinging.
 One day Ruth, Millie, and I went shopping to target and TJ Max while the boys went to Bass Pro. Braxton sure enough fell asleep in the cart. ha
 Grandpa taught him all about the fish...he looks like he LOVED it. One more year and he will be on the Beaver trip ready to catch some fish.

 While we were at Target we saw this cute cute Bistro and I had to get it for our Summer outdoor dinners. Ruth also found THE CUTEST kiddy pool and we searched everywhere and finally found it at Target as well. This summer this is going to be my life...Braxton in the pool and me sitting and eating lunch on my cute Bistro!

 While Ruth and Rande were here they did a little bit of site seeing. They went to Winter Quarters and the Temple. We are so lucky to have a temple so close by! 10 min drive! We are really close to Church History sites as well so we will slowly have to go see them all.
Our road trip to school was one of the funnest trips I have been on. It was so laid back, educational (thanks to Rande and all of his wildlife knowledge), and SO MUCH FUN! We appreciate everything you did for us while you were here! It is hard to take a week out of your lives to go across the country but we are SO GRATEFUL for all of it! You made the trip ten times better! So many great memories. We will never forget it! We are so blessed and loved! Thanks again for the fun and for watching the kids. They love you both so much. We love you guys! 


braidonjuliedavis said...

I'm so glad you had such a great drive. It can be a long gruesome road. And your house is adorable! How fun!

The Robinson's said...

I have legit internet finally... Love the last two posts. We miss you guys already but, it is easier knowing we moved too. Love ya.

The Lambeth's said...

HEY!! I am so excited about number 2 but scared at the same time! Some say it is the same as 1 and others say its a whole other ball game! HAHA We will see I guess! I saw your post on your new house and I love it!! So cute and way cute decorating! LOVE! Have fun and make sure to call when you come into town so we can all do lunch :)