Sunday, May 27, 2012

Millie Girl

 Im a little behind on my sweet little Millie so here is her 3 month post.
Millie is such a sweetie. I can already tell she is going to be such a good little sister and is going to help Braxton stay on track. haha She loves it when anyone looks her way...she will give such a huge grin. A little vain but what the heck...she's pretty and she knows it. haha Millie is pretty observant too. She just watches people, notices them looking her way, grins, and then goes back to watching them. She is such a chunk and surprisingly can move those rolls like none other. She is CONSTANTLY wiggling and trying to get somewhere. I think if she keeps this up she will be getting around pretty quick.
 She is sleeping through the night (at least what we call sleeping through the night 10 to 6) I think it has something to do with those leg rolls. I just want to squeeze them all the time. She is in size 2 diapers.
 Loves to be held and Grandma sure knows how to do that. :)
 She went to the pool for the first time and actually didn't mind it. She and I layed out the whole time. Of course her in the shade and me in the sun!
 I love my sweet baby girl she is so fun to dress! haha
 She loves Braxton even though he bites her constantly. She loves it when he comes up to her and just puts his forehead on her. She always lends him a head to get up with without complaining.
 I can already tell that she has a spunky, sweet personality. A little high maintainence  but what girl isn't? ha

She really likes her lay down toy and has found the toys above her. She will grab them and hit them. She now has rolled a couple times (all the way) and will go onto her side and put herself to sleep. haha It makes me worried to put her in her own crib though. Millie also found her fist. She will just stare at it and talk to it. She has some lungs on her.
 We sure do love our Millie! She is sweet and so fun. It's crazy how much she has grown already. She is going to pass up Braxton here in a little bit if we aren't careful. Thanks for your beautiful smiles daily that brighten my day. :)


Matthew and Lindsey said...

Hope you enjoy year 2. Its amazing the differences between boys and girls even from such young age. I can't believe that you guys are already out there. I hope that you have fun...year 2 has been my least favorite thus far but we will see what year 3 brings. Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

She is so adorable! Little girls are so much fun! We are having a blast with our little lady!

micahandwhitney said...

millie is the sweetest happiest baby! she is so fun to play with. i miss her already. her and brax definitely look like brother and sister already and i love that they are happy together! love you guys!