Monday, April 23, 2012

2 Months!!

Oh my sweet little Millie! I cannot believe she is already 2 months old! Time just flies when your life is so busy. She is the sweetest little girl. She is smiling. Loves to be called pretty...I think she got the whole vain thing from her dad. ;) She loves tummy time. I dress her up every day but we have no where to go. ha She is in size one diapers, eats 4 oz every 3 hours or so and one 5 oz bottle when she wakes up at night. Sadly she is a spitter and will throw up after every bottle. Sadly the best way to stop her from spitting up her bottle is by having her in her bouncer a lot. I just hope she grows out of it soon. She is a pretty good sleeper and will sleep anywhere from 5 to 7 hours. (can I just say that we have the worst sleepers. Braxton and Millie I guess just don't like missing out haha). She talks back and forth with oo's and ah's. She has the cutest little giggle and is getting ticklish. When she got her shots today she only cried for a minute. Such a tough girl! She is wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes.
Her 2 month stats are 11 lbs 12.7 oz and 22 inches long. she is 75th percentile in height and weight. It's crazy to have a child on the scale now! haha She brings so much joy into our home and is just a sweet baby. She is very good and lets Braxton get pretty rough with her. She is bit every day and has only cried twice. haha We will take it. She loves her mom and dad and is the best little sister Braxton could ask for. We love you little miss Millie! Happy two month birthday! :)
Millie just loves Ruthie

She just smiles all day. I love it!

Millie loves her dad. She gives him the biggest smiles and he even gets her to giggle just looking at him!

Can you say chunk? I love her rolls!

I am obsessed with her petite little feet. Don't worry...they are always painted. haha

First time playing on her lay down toy. Braxton loves it more than her. haha We will get there.


Megan and Mike said...

LOVE that her lil tootsies are always painted, good mom! i love millie, and she honestly does smile everytime you call her pretty its sooo funny! she is so cute and so happy and so ALERT!

elysebeard said...

How cute is SHE?!!! She is freaking adorable. I can't believe how fast time goes

micahandwhitney said...

i miss her!! she's such a little doll! i love the pic of her smiling big :D what a cutie! and yes, i of course love that her toes are always painted :) so cute!!!