Sunday, March 11, 2012

16 Months: Walking Permit

Braxton turned 16 months and it is crazy how much he has grown and is doing! He has progressed so much in one month! We are so proud of him. Now that he is the big 1-6 he got his walkers permit. haha Our physical therapist decided that a little walking toy would be a good thing for Braxton to get him going. He has all the tools its just a matter of coordinating it in his brain and realizing that walking is sure a better way to get around. We got this little cart at IKEA and it is perfect size for our little guy. He doesn't quite get the concept of walking it around but anytime we put him up to it he just automatically starts putting one foot in front of the other and goes until he hits a wall or piece of furniture. He looks so little when he does it. haha We are thinking he will reach his goal of walking by 18 months! :)
Braxton has accomplished a lot in a short amount of time.
He has become a big brother and is learning to not bite his little sister...still working on it. haha
Thinks hangin out with dad watching the Lakers play is the bees-nees.
He regressed a little by hanging out in his old bouncer (dads idea haha) I don't think he liked it much but he does like to climb on it.
He LOVES to explore and one day we couldn't find where he was...he crawed under the desk and was playing with our printer.
He gave his sister her first piggy back ride and he thought it was hilarious! He was laughing hysterically. ha
He is learning to become a better sleeper and will sleep just about anywhere even the table of the doctors office haha
He is a little hoarder and and puts his pens, and toothbrush in the most random spots. I usually find his pens under his jumper, in little nooks and crannys around the apartment and in his high chair. haha
He had his final spina bifida clinic here in Utah (next time we see them it will be out in Omaha! Yay!!) This time Millie tagged along and it went pretty good. They both slept! I had to have a little chat with her and tell her that she will have to endure quite a few of Braxton's Dr. appointments. She was just fine with it. ;) He also had to get a CMG (where they stick a catheter up you know where and fill his bladder full of this liquid they can see on a screen. They said things are looking good but that his kidneys are small and we will have to continue to follow up with Urology. Dad was there for that and said he did a good job after he fell to sleep from freaking out. haha He sure handles things better than I do for sure.
Other things Braxton does...
Eats three times a day: Oatmeal, yogurt, and a baby food vegetable. We are still trying to get him to eat finger foods and our table food but he just won't let it go in his mouth. Our next step is to puree our food and see how he likes it. :)
He is 16 lbs 12 oz 27 1/2 in. (still Zero Percentile)
Is getting both canines, and his left molar. Has 11 teeth right now!!
Stands up to everything and is getting more confident with cruising.
Is a little jealous of his least when I am holding her.
Grinds his teeth on every surface he can. He will do it for minutes at a time...Back and forth, back and forth. haha
We love our little man. He is doing so good and we couldn't be happier with his progress right now! He is such a good big brother and loves to play with his dad and mom! We love him so much!


micahandwhitney said...

those pictures of brax with millie on his back are SO CUTE! what a good big broher braxton is :) can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!!

The Robinson's said...

Brax is so stiking cute!! I agree with Whitney, the "piggy back" picture is the best:) Can't wait to see ya. Hope Millie loves her first road trip!

elysebeard said...

what a cute video of him walking! Well, almost. He's getting there! So cute!