Thursday, August 23, 2012

6 Months!!!

I am dying as I write this because I CAN NOT believe that my sweet rollie pollie is 6 months! I didn't think time could go by this fast but I better watch out or before I know it she is dating! haha So none of my pictures are uploading to this blog but I got one to work (the cutest one) ;)
Millie, you are growing up so fast! This is what you are doing at your 6 month birthday...
eating more than I thought humanly possible haha you like most veggies and fruits ( not peaches)
getting up on all fours and rocking...seriously slow down! Unless that keeps you from getting bit by your brother then go right ahead ha
squeezing into size 3 diapers and 6 month clothes
smiling like none other
laughing at all of dad's jokes (even when they aren't funny ;)
you get frustrated when you can't go where Braxton is
you laugh at Braxton and smile at him
You LOVE your bath time
holding your own bottle pretty good
saying momma and babba
making everyone around you smile
you love to observe others and love to be outside
don't like your carseat very much
rolling down the hallways
love looking at yourself in the mirror and trying to eat your reflection.
sleeping really good
learning things from Braxton all the time
basically you are one sweet, amazing little girl. You surprise your dad and I everyday and sometimes I don't feel like I can keep up with all the new things you are doing! Thanks for being so patient with Braxton and being his best friend. You have such a sweet spirit and I can't wait to see what this next month brings...I think I might be running after you soon! haha We love you Mill Mill!


micahandwhitney said...

that picture is the cutest! love millie and all her sweet little rolls! i just wanna squeeze her :)

The Robinson's said...

Millie is so sweet! Love and miss her. She will be hanging with little Ry soon:) You are an awesome mom to stay on top of evertyhing. love the post, it might just push me to start blogging again. haha.

The Andersens said...

She is so so cute Janelle!!!