Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sizzilin 4th

The fourth of July is one of my favorite times of the year. Parades, BBQs and time with family and friends. We got all of that except for the family part :( But it sure was a good one! We woke up and I just had to make some patriotic fun and SO GOOD! After breakfast Marc helped me get the kids ready in 30 minutes because someone text me and told me where a parade was. I can't skip out on a parade and Marc had to study the whole day for a huge test he had the next day so we made it work and out the door we went.
 It was so much fun sitting in the shade with my friends and watching this little neighborhood put on a parade. They went around twice and showed off their homemade floats. They even had two fire engines for that tiny little parade! Braxton tolerated the parade but Millie loved it! haha She loved it so much she fell asleep right after it started.
 I have such patriotic kids...they loved their flags!
 Braxton enjoying the parade...Millie is such a comfortable pillow.

 Later on that evening we had a BBQ with our ward and it was so much fun...H.O.T but fun! We were all sweating to death but it was great. About an hour in though the kids were drained...if you can't already tell from the picture. haha Love my family! It was so much fun to celebrate even away from the familiar. Next year I think I have some ideas to spruce it up a bit out here in Omaha. :) Hope everyone had a great 4th!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your pictures of Braxton and Millie crack me up! I love that he just lays on her. Haha so funny!