Saturday, June 30, 2012

Four Months

The Millster is 4 months!! I am so in love with this little girl. She just brightens my day and anyone else who she sees. Millie, as you can tell, has some meat on her bones and we just LOVE IT! She is so rollie-pollie and you just want to bite her cute rolls. haha She truly has the best little personality. Under all of those smiles that she gives CONSTANTLY she has a fiesty, diva side that is fun too! :) The only person she will take crap from is Braxton. ha
Millie is in the 97th percentile in heighth (wonder who she got that from), 70th in weight 14.10 lbs. She has the littlest feet. They are so petite!

She already loves purses, here she is playing with her first purse.
 Millie is drinking 6 oz and sleeping through the night only waking up at about 6 for a bottle. Yay!
She doesn't nap the best but I will take sleeping through the night any day over three hour naps...

 Braxton beating up on Millie as usual. He might not know it but he is being a normal big brother for sure. haha He loves to play right next to or on top of her. I keep telling her that her day will come when she can fight back. ;)
She loves to be outside and LOVES the water in the swim pool. I will put her in and she just gives a deep sigh and starts playing. haha
 Diva in the making ;) I love dressing her and it seriously takes all that I have not to buy her more clothes. ha
Other things Millie is doing...rolling over both ways (she rolled away from me in Relief Society), she is constantly moving and has to stand or be facing out, she is a people watcher and will wait for someone to look at her. Once they do she is ready to give them a huge grin. It is the funniest thing! She is in size three diapers (same size as Braxton), She loves to eat her fist and toes, cries if I put her down or in her car seat, knows her name, knows when I leave the room, loves her binki, holds her bottle pretty good, has the cutest laugh and is SO TICKLISH, she is in 6 month clothes, she loves her dad I think its because he gives her pepsi (totally joking...he would though). She is a pretty content baby and we are so lucky to have her in our family! Braxton is even getting used to having her around and loves to sit next to her when she is crying. We love our little Millie girl and we are grateful to have her and her fun personality! Love you Mill!


braidonjuliedavis said...

I can't believe she's already 4 months! And super adorable! How fun!

Unknown said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she is already in size 3 diapers! That is what Addie wears! Love little chunker babies!!

Tyler and Brandi White said...

She's so cute janelle!!! Hope everything is going well for you guys!

Megan and Mike said...

She's already changed a lot !!!!she is so pretty ! Miss her!!!!

elysebeard said...

So beautiful! I can't believe she is rolling Over both ways. I think her and Viv would be best friends ha ha. Little divas

Cody and Tennille said...

I can't get enough of her!! Oh and that picture of Brax and Millie...priceless. He already knows how to torture his little sis. Ha ha!

The Robinson's said...

Love these pics. Mill and Ry need to get together asap. btw love Millie's outfits, all so cute, especially the blue dress:) The picture of Brax rolling on Millie is exactly Rush and Ry, haha. Miss you!!

micahandwhitney said...

love this post! millie is a doll. you always have her dressed so cute! miss her :(