Monday, April 16, 2012

Mystery Diagnosis

Last wednesday was the beginning of a still mysterious end for our little Brax. Last week he started getting a really high fever...104 degrees! After a few doses of tylenol and Ibuprofen it wouldn't go down so to the ER he and I went. He was so sick but nothing was wrong with him other than his fever. No runny nose, cough, sore throat, or anything so I went in assuming it was another Urinary Tract Infection. They cathed him and he didn't have a UTI. Next thing they test him for are a whole bunch of viruses, nothin. Then they take an x-ray of his chest because they think he has pneumonia, nothin (thank goodness). They noticed a couple of red dots on his skin and said that they weren't big enough to tell what they were.
Here is my brave little boy's little x-ray. I probably shouldn't have taken this picture but I had to let Marc know what was going on. haha
We were at the Primary Children's ER from 9 pm until 1 am and didn't find out a thing. He sure enjoyed watching basketball with me and playing with his pen. :)
So, they discharge us and tell us to keep giving him fever reducers and help him feel comfortable.
The next morning at 9 we had a Dr. appointment and went to see what they thought it could be. I explained everything and they just said oh it must be a virus. Vague, but alright. He still had his 104 degree fever at this point .
He looked awful. :(
We go home and then these red spots keep spreading. I go to trusty google and look at images of chicken pox (he has gotten his 1st immunization). They sure look like it so Friday morning we go in again to make sure that they aren't. The dr. says that they sure do look like chicken pox so to know for sure, we have to test the puss in one of his spots. We don't get the results until today and it isn't Chicken pox! Good for Millie...Bad for Braxton. He has to deal with this mystery diagnosis and we will never know what he has.
These are the ones on his face.
The Calomine lotion sure does help him not itch...The ones on his hands...These look so painful!Today some of them look a little better but there are still new ones showing up! He sure is a trooper! I just wish we could know what it is. I guess some things are always going to remain a mystery.


Jared+Sara+Myla said...

Wow! He really is such a trooper! And so is his mamma :) hope everything is okay! Keep us posted so that I'm not worrying about that cute boy! Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. I feel so bad for the little guy! I hope those doctors get their act together and figure this out soon!

The Robinson's said...

That is no fun:( You are such a good Mom! Keep me posted. Brax is a little champ, give him a squeeze for me. xoxo

elysebeard said...

Poor guy can't catch a break! Hope he gets feeling better!

Kendra said...

Seriously Janelle, you are a rock star! I will pray for the little man and his parents! You are amazing and he is adorable! I hope those dang spots go away and that annoying fever!

Matthew and Lindsey said...

So I came across your blog and had to comment. It looks like your family is getting so big and that you guys are loving dental school. That is fun that you will be moving to Nebraska. I hope that Mark is loving school and from the looks of it you have you hands full with 2 but definitely loving it!

The Harrison's said...
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Shannon said...

Oh, those do look so painful. :( Did they ever find out what it was? Kind of looked like "hand foot and mouth" disease, an awful name for a rash that gets mostly on those places. Only becomes a problem if their throat swells up with them. Oh man I hope that didn't last too long. pax had bad hives in Jan and I felt awful for him!! Hope you are doing well!

Kyndall Nakken said...

I came across your blog and I think I have met you only a couple of times. but I'm no sure if you have gotten any answers about what happened. But it looks identical to what my son had. He had hand foot and mouth virus/disease. They get blisters on and around their hands, feet mouth and possibly their lower back area. It's horrible and very painful for the child. Its also very contagious, good news is, if they get it once they won't get it again. I know he is probably past this but if you wanted some answers, that might be what it was.