Sunday, March 25, 2012

One Month!

For some reason this title seems a little familiar. Oh's because I had written one 15 months before. haha It is SO crazy how fast time has gone! Our sweet, beautiful Millie was born a little over 4 weeks ago. We have had so much fun with her and Braxton is finally noticing her. Even getting JEALOUS. ha She is getting so big!
She is 9 lbs 12 oz and 21.5 in. The dr. said that she is WAY healthy...I think that means she is a little chunky but I wouldn't change one of her thigh rolls for a second. She is a very alert baby and is wide awake a lot of the day and will sleep 5 hours at night (love that) She is just wanting to see what the world has to offer:) She is very strong and is already holding her head up pretty good. It's kind of weird seeing the "normal" side of things but it is wonderful! We love miss Millie so much and we are so lucky to have her in our family!
She looks like Marc but everyone says they see me in her...who knows. haShe enjoys her few minutes of tummy time each dayI love when she goes cross eyed.Here she is getting her first bath. It was a nice sponge bath. Our lovely apartment doesn't have much counter space so I had to do it on our couch. haha We have now graduated to the kitchen sink but there for a while we were bathing right on the couch cushion.She loves to hang out with her big brother and he likes to bite, pull her arms, grab her feet and give little head butts. She is very tolerant with her older brother showing his affection the only way he knows how. haha Braxton is not helping with the whole size difference having his feet all crunched up.She loves her Binky and sleeps really well with it tucked under her cheek like that.Little smiles are a daily and welcomed occurrenceWe are so blessed to have this cute baby girl with us! Happy One Month! We love you Millie! :)

1 comment:

Bucky &Kelcie said...

Nelly she is precious! I'm glad you are all doing good. I do some some of you in her:)