Monday, March 5, 2012

And Then There Were 4

It's so crazy to think that almost 2 weeks ago I had Millie! We now are a family of 4!! I am absolutely loving where we are at in our lives. When Marc comes home everyday after school I just laugh...I asked him what he thinks when he comes home and the house has been torn apart and there are diapers, bottles, and clothes everywhere and he said he LOVES IT! That made me feel good because that is how life is going to be for the next little while. haha I love it too and really I am so happy to be a mom of two sweet little kids. Yes, they do cry at the same time sometimes but I kind of chuckle to myself thinking what it would look like watching me juggle feeding Braxton and Millie at the same time, going from one nap to the next.
My hope is that someone would see a happy home where there is unconditional love and a sweet spirit. That they could see that this is the best time of mine and Marc's life and that we are so lucky to have such beautiful children. We truly are so blessed and even when times are a little stressful, this is how Heavenly father wanted it to be! I am so glad he trusted us with such an amazing little family.
Just a few pics of what we do during the day... haha
Braxton (most of the day) prefers to play by himself and explore every inch of furniture and every room in our apartment. haha
If Millie isn't being fed, held, or changed by me she is chillin in her swing, is wide awake or sleeping. haha I think Braxton was trying to climb on her swing when I took this pic. She looks a little annoyed/ scared. haWe try and get Braxton to focus on Millie and recognize that she is in the same works every once in a while. He noticed her and got excited. :)Millie and her Dad taking a nap...Braxton exploring a room that he isn't allowed in anymore. haha He almost pulled this on top of himself. I have to make sure that I can see him because he has gotten himself into a few pickles while I am feeding Millie. ha
I am absolutely loving my life right now! I am back to 100% and I now feel like I am able to do everything and I don't have to rely on others to help me take care of the little things around me. Can I just say that the whole 15 lb weight limit is stupid cuz there is no way that I am not going to hold Braxton! Do they really expect moms to not hold or play with their other kids? haha


micahandwhitney said...

i saw that video of brax walking with the walker! OMG! that is seriously incredible! YAY BRAX! i'm glad you are adjusting well to being a mother of two! can't wait to see you all

The Robinson's said...

I love this post! You said everything that I think, and you guys are wonderful examples. It was sooo fun to see your cute family. Millie is such a sweet new addition to the family. Love ya.

elysebeard said...

I love that look millie is giving Brax like, hey, you're crazy. haha Cute little girl. You're such an awesome mom!